Holiday Tradition
For many years my sister-in-law and I traveled each December to Chicago with our daughters to Christmas shop. The girls are grown up now with families of their own, but the tradition continues. The decorations along the famous Magnificent Mile and also in downtown Chicago south of the river are absolutely fabulous! On each visit we excitedly browse the holiday window displays (no matter how cold and windy and snowy it may be!) and then share a meal at the famous Walnut Room in the old Marshall Field's department store on State Street in the Chicago Loop. Marshall Field's was acquired by Macy's, Inc in 2005 and thankfully they have continued to dazzle its visitors with its festive holiday decorations and serving of a traditional holiday meal in its world famous restaurant. The Walnut Room was the first restaurant ever opened in a department store and during the holidays showcases its beautifully decorated 45 foot tall Christmas tree. It is adorned with so many magnificent ornaments and is just the most amazing site! Holiday cheer radiates throughout the Walnut Room!

I also love to decorate my slightly smaller (lol!) Christmas tree with unique personalized ornaments which remind me of the treasured moments in my life... a wedding, the birth of a child, a new home... and on and on! I even have memorial ornaments to celebrate the live's of family members and friends so dear to me whom have passed onto another journey. It's always so much fun to reminisce when decorating the tree each year.