T-Shirt Facts
10 fun facts about our favorite things, t-shirts!
1️⃣The first promo t-shirt was produced for The Wizard of Oz in 1939.
2️⃣ Coca-Cola did the first T-shirt brand promotion, especially in the 80s.
3️⃣ F. Scott Fitzgerald was the first to coin the word t-shirt in 1920 in his novel, This Side of Paradise.
4️⃣The first company to embellish t-shirts was Tropix Togs. As a matter of fact, it printed t-shirts with pop culture icons, which lead the way to customizing t-shirts.
5️⃣ In 1904, the t-shirt was first produced and marketed by Cooper Underwear company. Hence they were called long underwear. At the same time, the t-shirt emerged simply by separating the top and the bottom half.

9️⃣the world, most of all, with nearly 60 million sales per year.
🔟The world’s total cotton market is about $12 Billion.